Smart instrument reprocessing
begins and ends with SciCan.

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Is your steri-center optimized for workflow and safety? Do you have the right infection control equipment to keep your staff and patients safe? What do you need to know about your washer and sterilizer? Are your processes and record-keeping up to the latest protocols?
“Our Infection Control Specialists are here to listen, and help in whatever way is useful. We’re ready and available to walk you through every aspect of your instrument reprocessing protocols.
Let’s talk about infection control. We’re here to help."
Book a virtual or in-person meeting with our Infection Control Specialists today >
SciCan provides a complete range of infection control solutions for dental offices in dozens of countries around the world. Much of what we design, build, distribute and maintain is focused on efficiently washing, disinfecting and sterilizing dental instruments.
HYDRIM L110W G4 Instrument Washers provides a safe, effective and efficient way to clean instruments, allowing staff to focus on the most important thing in a dental practice, the patient.
With the reliability and trust you’ve come to expect from STATIM, the STATCLAVE G4 is designed to deliver speed, capacity and efficiency to your practice. STATCLAVE is a chamber autoclave that incorporates both pre-sterilization vacuum to improve steam penetration and post-sterilization vacuum to improve drying. Its 11” chamber and vacuum-assisted closed-door drying efficiently delivers sterilized and dried wrapped instruments.
STATIM is the world’s fastest cassette autoclave from start to sterile™, gentle on your instruments due to its state-of-the-art steam technology and relied upon by the busiest of practices.
Drawing on over 25 years of innovation, the leader in autoclave technology has created a complete line of STATIM Cassette Autoclaves – designed to meet the needs of every size of practice. The STATIM family comprises the fastest, most innovative cassette autoclaves available on the market today.
In a virtual or in-person meeting, we will review your instrument processing so that you can better comply with regulations and best practices. We can help you when considering upgrades in your sterilization area.
Pre-installation requirements
In-Service Training
We'll contact you within 24-48 hours.
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