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Corporate Privacy Statement

SciCan Ltd. (referred to as SciCan, we or us, in this document) is committed to adhering to the principles of PIPEDA (Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) and the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), as applicable to SciCan, and to protecting the privacy of the Personal Information it collects, uses and discloses for commercial purposes. PIPEDA and the GDPR, as applicable to SciCan and its customers, are referred to as Privacy Codes in this Privacy Statement. The term Personal Information has the meaning set out in the Privacy Codes and includes Personal Data as defined in the GDPR.

Our Privacy Principles:

  1. Accountability – SciCan has appointed a Privacy Officer who is accountable for SciCan’s compliance with the Privacy Codes.
  2. Identifying Purposes – Because individuals have the right to be informed of how we will use Personal Information, SciCan identifies each purpose for which Personal Information is collected prior to or at the time the information is collected. If we want to change the purpose after having made the collection, we will explain what we want to do and will ask for consent before doing so.
  3. Consent – Personal Information is collected, used and disclosed by SciCan only with the knowledge and consent of the person to whom the information pertains, unless otherwise required by law.
  4. Limiting Collection – SciCan only collects Personal Information that is necessary for the purposes identified. All Personal Information is collected by fair and lawful means.
  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention – SciCan does not use or disclose Personal Information for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected without obtaining informed consent unless required by law. Personal Information is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. Any individual has the right to require SciCan to deliver a complete copy of his or her Personal Information, either to him or her or to another entity. Any individual has the right to insist that his or her Personal Information be erased, and we will erase all his or her Personal Information that is not required by law to be retained.
  6. Accuracy – The Personal Information collected by SciCan is as accurate, complete and up to date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected. We give individuals the right to make inquiries as to what Personal Information we hold about them and to rectify any incorrect Personal Information.
  7. Safeguards – SciCan protects all Personal Information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the data. Access to Personal Information is only given to those SciCan employees or agents who require that information to carry out the identified purposes.
  8. Openness – If there are any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, our Privacy Officer can be contacted at privacy@scican.com.
  9. Individual Access – Upon request, an individual will be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her Personal Information and will be given access to it for purposes of verifying the accuracy and completeness of the information and having it modified as necessary to that it complies with Principle 6, above.
  10. Challenging Compliance – An individual may direct any questions or inquiries regarding compliance to the above Principles to our Privacy Officer at privacy@scican.com.

Further information on privacy and your rights in regard to your Personal Information may be found on the Privacy Commissioner of Canada website at www.priv.gc.ca and, if you are living in Europe, you can obtain further information from the European Information Commissioner’s Office website (under construction at the time of this policy).

Things we Don’t Do

SciCan does not do any of the following things:

  1. We do not provide incorrect or incomplete information about our privacy practices or about the Personal Information we hold.
  2. We do not share Personal Information with any third parties without first obtaining informed consent.
  3. We do not levy a charge for responding to requests under Principle 9, above.
  4. We do not subject anyone to automated decision-making, including profiling, based on Personal Information.
  5. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from or about children under the age of 16.

Web Site Privacy Statement

SciCan collects information from our website users (User) at several points on our website:

  • Order Forms - We request information from the User on our order forms. Here, a User must provide contact information (name, shipping address, etc.) and financial information (credit card number, expiration date, etc.). This information is used specifically to fill customer’s orders and for billing purposes. If we have trouble processing an order, this contact information is used to get in touch with the User. Each User has the right to decline to provide his or her Personal Information or to ask for his or her information to be expunged. However, we may, as a result, not be able to fulfill an order, answer a question or provide information because of lack of information.
  • Cookies - “Cookies” are small text files a website can use to recognize repeat Users. SciCan may use cookies to recognize visitors and more quickly provide personalized content or grant unimpeded access to the website. With cookies enabled, you may not need to fill in password or contact information. Information gathered through cookies also helps us measure use of our website. Cookie data allows us to track usage behavior and compile data that we can use to improve the site. This data will be used in aggregate form; no specific Users will be tracked.
  • Logfiles - We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, and track User movement only within our website. IP addresses are not linked to Personal Information.
  • Course registration - To attend some conferences or product training seminars sponsored by SciCan or its affiliates, a User must first complete a registration form. During registration a User is required to give his or her contact information (such as name, email address and employer). Each User has the right to decline to provide his or her Personal Information. However, we may, as a result, not be able to enroll him or her in the conference or seminar because of lack of information.
  • Warranty registration - On a strictly voluntary basis, we collect product User information to register product warranties. On this e-form, each User is asked to input name and contact information, and also to answer product usage questions. Warranty information is considered confidential and is maintained only for future product warranty claims. On the e-form, there is also a question that asks if SciCan may contact the User about future product promotions. If the User indicates “Yes” then his or her name may be used for future marketing purposes. If the User indicates “No” then the User’s information will be maintained strictly for product warranty purposes.
  • Information Use - SciCan reserves the right to perform statistical analyses of User behavior and characteristics. We do this in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the website. SciCan collects IP addresses for system administration and record keeping. A User’s IP address is automatically assigned to his or her computer. Our servers record those incoming IP addresses. The IP addresses are analyzed only in aggregate; no connection is made between a User and the computer’s IP address.
  • Links to other Internet Sites - Our website contains links to other websites. SciCan is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.
  • Disclaimer - The information, tools, resources and services contained on our website are designed to improve Users’ online experience and be helpful. However, SciCan will not be liable for any damages, direct, indirect or otherwise arising from Users’ access and use of our website and SciCan specifically disclaims all such liability.