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Don’t get stuck
in the steri-center

HYDRIM® Automated Instrument Washers
get you back chairside,
quickly and safely.


Instrument Washer

HYDRIM C61W G4: 6 full-size cassette capacity allows for 120 instruments turnover, in as little as 44 minutes, start to dry.*


Instrument Washer

L110W G4: 10 full-size cassette capacity allows for 200 instrument turnover, in as little as 44 minutes, start to dry.*

Fast and Efficient

The time saved by automated washing compared to manual cleaning is approximately 1 hour of labor for every nine procedural set-ups1.

HYDRIM G4 cycle times are as fast as 44 minutes from start to dry. HYDRIM* ensures that every set of instruments receives the same validated cleaning process.

Safer Instrument Handling

Automated instrument washing reduces physical handling of contaminated instruments. Steps such as pre-soaking, scrubbing and drying instruments before sterilization increase the exposure to blood and body fluids and the risk of sharps injuries.

1 Tholen, Mark, 10 Ideas to Increase Production and Decrease Expenses in Sterilization. ( )

* Actual cycle times are dependant on the temperature and pressure of the incoming water. HYDRIM is a registered trademark and Your Infection Control Specialist is a trademark of SciCan Ltd. Manufactured by SciCan Ltd., 1440 Don Mills Rd, Toronto, ON, M3B 3P9, Canada.